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Plumbing & Environmental:613-978-5688

Environmental Services

dsq Environmental ServicesYour Trusted Partner
for Expert Environmental Services

dsq Plumbing & Environmental removes solids and oily wastewater from interceptors such as sump pits, catch basins, floor trenches and grease traps.

Servicing of residential &
commercial septic tanks.

dsq Plumbing & Environmental provides residential and commercial septic tank and holding tank pumping services, filter cleaning and flushing. We dispose of all waste at licensed treatment facilities in compliance with our MOE permits. This eliminates any liability for our customers. Septic tank maintenance tips:

  • Pump your septic tank every three years.
  •  Septic systems cannot digest oils, greases or fats that may be poured down your sink or toilet. In addition, no paint or solvents.
  •  Flush only toilet paper. No wipes, rags, sanitary napkins, Kleenex, paper towels, etc.
  •  Regular maintenance and moderate water use will help prolong the life of your septic system.
  • A faucet leaking one drop per second wastes 10,000 liters of water yearly, and a toilet leak can waste 20 times more.
  •  Don’t drive cars, trucks or heavy machinery over your septic drain field. You could crush it or compact the soil around your pipes.
  •  Planting trees and shrubs near your drain field is also risky. Roots can plug or damage your system.
  • Signs of a failing septic system include lush, spongy grass over the drain field, slow drainage in sinks and showers, sewage odors, and liquid pooling over the drain field.
  • If something doesn’t break down naturally, don’t allow it to flush into your septic tank

Interceptor and sump pit servicing and maintenance

Sump pits need to be maintained to ensure water doesn’t seep into and flood your property. Whether your sump pit is in the basement of your house or is an essential piece of equipment in the apartment building or shopping mall you manage, dsq will ensure it is in good working order.

Low profile vacuum units for underground parking garages

Using our low profile vacuum trucks, we will vacuum catch basins and sump pits in under ground garages. If required, we also clean and flush the drains. Routine catch basin cleaning is critical, as it helps prevent unwanted flooding and water pooling. Catch basin sludge can build up quickly, especially in the fall and winter seasons.

Wit the help of CCTV, dsq plumbers can inspect your sewer system to determine whether roots have infiltrated your sewer system. Our high-pressure flusher can reach pressures of 15,000 PSI. Sustained pressure of this magnitude cuts through the tree roots to remove the problem.

Vacuum Trucks for chemical wastes

dsq handles hazardous waste materials with the utmost care and compliance, in line with all applicable regulations, at licensed transfer, storage and disposal facilities located across Canada and the United States. Our innovative solutions are supported by years of experience and expertise in driving compliance and sustainable services.

Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Removal & Processing:

  • Wastewater treatment
  • Emulsion treatment
  • Acid and caustic neutralization
  • Solidification and stabilization

Other Related Services:

  • Lab pack services
  • Roll off services including 20 yd leakproof “Enviro” Bins.
  • Site Remediation – Removal of contaminated soil
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